Sunday, November 28, 2010

Live everyday like it's your last...

Humanity, Hope, Human Spirit

When this unit began, I wasn't sure what to expect but this one quote kept running through my mind, "Live everyday like it's your last." It's completely cliched, but it got me thinking. Honestly, we don't know what's going to happen each day and what surprises it's going to bring. Not many people actually live this way, including me. We have excuses for that like, "I can't" or "I can't afford to." Very few people live like this and that's the kind of people that I would like to focus on.

 I knew we would be talking about how some people find their best in the darkest of times, but I'm glad to see we'll be looking at old and young people both. When death is right around the corner and you know it, it's amazing how some people find hope to do incredible things in the time they have left. In the same vein, it's also amazing to see how devastating disabilities don't stop the strongest human spirits. There's so many different directions that I could take but I want to look at all types of inspirational people in this unit.


  1. Anushiya I like your quote. As you said in your blog after I read it made me think about the possibilites. Also when you talk about excuses is cool because a lot of people do that, including myself, and don't even know it! I am glad you are as excited as I am about this unit.

  2. The same quote went through my head when we started talking about this unit. I agree that most people make up excuses of why they can't live life to the fullest. There is always those people to be pestimistic about everything and make up excuses. I also want to read more about all the different inspirational people in this unit.

  3. Do you have any inspirational people in mind already or will identifying them be the first step of your research?

  4. I think identifying will be the first step in the project. I want to get really indepth into their past experiences and how they've handled it.
