Monday, November 22, 2010


Let's start with a little intro, shall we?

My name is Anushiya and I'm a 10th grader with an unhealthy obsession with books. I'll read anything from biographies to fantasy and once I start, I can't seem to stop. Actually, my life consists of friends and family, books, food and music in that order.  Living without music and food is impossible for me and I'm usually quite happy. I hate to see others upset and I love to make them laugh. Future outside of school is a little bit away and I'd like to keep myself firmly in the present.

And as of right now, the present involves my Gifted and Talented class in my High School. It's a challenging class but it provides us, the students, with more freedom to do what we want to do and how we want to do it. Right now we're starting a new unit on humanity and hope and how some humans find the best of themselves in their darkest hour. It's unusual that a person who knows that their end is near lives their life much more to it's potential than a person who doesn't know their end. What makes it so?

I'm going to be finding my own way through this extremely confusing journey with this blog to document all of my thoughts. So... join me!