Sunday, February 27, 2011

Holocaust Museum

Recently, my Gifted and Talented class and I took a trip to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. Before we went, I knew that this was going to be an emotional trip just from hearing the experiences of others. I had heard from teachers and students both that the Museum was amazing but I didn't have a clue how it would affect me. I expected a museum that was educational but interesting but my experience surpassed everything I was expecting. 

I saw so many things that's been imprinted into my brain and I could hardly believe the extent of the atrocities that Hitler been committed during that time. I mean, I know what had happened then but the way the museum is laid and the fact you're following another person's life is almost too much to handle at once. I saw videos of people being experimented on and heard survivor stories that really made the trip more emotional than I expected. It was heartbreaking to see the real luggage, shoes, and hair that was torn away from the people and all the pictures of children starved to death.

Shoes from real victims

The hair that was shaved from men and women which was later sold.

Through each floor, I just got angrier and angrier that something like was going on for so long. If there's anything I learned from this, it's that known crimes like this can't be allowed to go on. The genocide in Darfur has been driving me insane for some time and I don't understand how the world isn't stepping in. I'm interested in joining Amnesty International to learn more. 

Overall, I'm really glad I went but it's going to be hard to return for a second trip. It was painful walking around the first time but it helped to go with my friends. This isn't something you should do alone because there are things that will keep on recurring in your mind. Honestly, this a trip I'll never forget.

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